Sexy Pink Pyjamas and a Happy Dance

Hellooooo, world, I’m here! *Waits for the cheers to subside and then does a Happy Dance* Well, it’s more of a slow shuffle, but you get the idea.

Deutsch: Dies ist der T-Step, der Shuffle aus ...

Image via Wikipedia

How are you, peeps? What’s been happening in the Wonderful World of Blogging? I’ve missed you! But I so needed to take a break and then I kind of got out of the habit. I will do better. I will do better. I will.
Let me bring you up to date: I’m loads better and have a new job. Now, don’t get too excited; I’ve not joined a team about to find a cure for cancer. I’m not running for parliament, and I’m still not Jason Statham’s salaried sex-slave. (Yet. But I remain optimistic; I just need to work off all those Christmas mince pies and Quality Street chocolates that cling stubbornly to my lardy arse and I’ll be ready for a wild, animalistic, hotel-room trashing, chandelier swinging romp a grown-up, deep and meaningful relationship.)

Image via Wikipedia

Anyway, my new job… I’m now a Housekeeper at a small holiday lettings company. It’s about 12-16 hours a week and I can pretty much keep my own hours as long as I’m there for Friday changeovers. I just hope I can keep it up during the summer when I’ve got twenty cleaners and thirty cottages to manage on one day! At the moment I’m just happy to be well enough to work. This time last year I could barely get off the sofa and had to crawl upstairs for a pee.
C0mpletely random, but here’s our dog:
He’s not new, in fact in doggy years  the silly sod is now entering middle-age, but he still thinks he’s a puppy. Poor thing, he’s always had Special Needs. He’s called Deefor, as in A for Apple, B for Ball, D for Dog, but we just tend to call him The Dog With No Brain. Bless!
And then, there’s the new hat I bought myself, ready for the predicted mini Ice-Age. It’s January and it’s been the mildest winter on record, but hey! There’s still time for the snow.  I proudly present Youngest Son modelling Tiny’s New Furry Hat, comeplete with built-in ear-flaps and nipple-warmers:

That's my boy!

Ummm, what else? Oh, I know! I had some pretty cool pyjamas for Christmas. I’m tempted to post a photo, but I’m not sure I should. I mean, they are pretty sex-kittenish. I wouldn’t want any of you getting over-excited and drooling over your keyboard…
Hey, I know – we’ll compromise – I’ll post the picture if you go and grab a paper bag. That way, should you be so sexually aroused that you start hyperventiliating, you’ll have a handy bag to breathe into. And it also doubles quite nicely as a sick-bag.
Okay, here I come, but remember I did try to warn you…

Take me, Jason. I'm yours!

How cool? And they’re not just fleecy, they’re soft and  furry! Furry, I tell you! Like a silky pink cat. I put these on in the evening and can’t resist giving myself a little stroke, and out of my mouth pops a perfect purrrrrr.
And they’re even printed with a little message:


Are they not THE perfect present for me? Pink, furry jammies, Eeyore slippers and a snooze on the sofa. Could my life be more complete?
Actually, there is one thing missing: a man. And not just any man – oh, you so know where this is going… The Christmas Fairies gave me a four-film JS DVD set. Actually, I probably shouldn’t call my two 6 foot sons fairies, should I? Anyway, that’s 7 hours of back-to-back, action-packed Jason. Just think if it were front-to-front  – oh, be still, my twitching knickers…
My favourite one in the box has to be Chaos, where he plays a maverick detective trying to solve a bank robbery where nothing was actually stolen. He’s a gorgeous, walking sex-machine at the best of times, but in this he wears a bullet-proof vest and he’s just Phwoarrr!
Ooh, and here’s another mean ‘n’ moody one:

And the last one:

Who’d have thought a woolly hat could be so sexy?

Now, normally I’m careful about the images I use, making sure they’re copyright free, and linking back to the owner, but this time, I’ve just posted. My next update could well be from sent from prison, but I’d be proud to say I went down for Jason.  😉

About Tiny Temper

I'm a middle-aged freelance writer living in Cornwall. And no, it's not all sun, sand and steaming pasties. I've been married, done the divorce and accidentally shrunk the tee-shirt.

14 responses »

  1. Brilliant – this gave me a real laugh this morning! Not to mention an “awww” at the dog & the son. Also quite a “Phwoooor” at JS (well behind in the queue that has your lovely self at the front, of course – I go for weedy/nerdy more myself!). Even a “woooo!” at the glam pink pjs. That pose on the bed’s hilarious – love the way the donkey slippers seem to be saying “We’re eeyore-gnoring her while she manages to get her head up into shot again!” Love it! Thanks for brightening the day up! XXX

    • I felt quite guilty posting something so silly when everyone else was posting about welfare rights, but I do believe we all need some lightheartedness.
      Isn’t JS just gorgeous? I don’t know what it is about him, but boy! he makes me dribble!
      Lol! Poor Eeyore slippers – they’re starting to wear through at the bottom! XX

  2. Good to have you back – your Fairy Godmother is relieved that the Christmas faeiries managed to bring the best of pressies!!
    Next time see if they can arrange a meet with JS – after all, what are the young ‘uns for, if not to meet your every need??? (Instead of spending all that hard earned cash!)
    Have also purchased a glorious new hat in preparation for the ice age……….am also waiting….and my youngest refuses to model it, can’t think why….

    • Can you imagine if I met him in person? I’d just melt in a puddle on the floor! 🙂
      I had to repeatedly promise that the photo of Youngest would never, ever end up on FB. I don’t know what’s happened to the weather; they forecast the worst snowy, icy winter since 1917 or something. I’ve stocked up on salt, grit, woolly socks and furry hats, and don’t need any of it!! XX

  3. OMG, what a complete difference in posts! You’re so up beat now! LOVE IT!

    I see you ditched the car idea and went straight for the bedroom layout. Saweeet!

    One look at your in those jammie pants and JS will NEVER let go of you! I mean, how can he resist!?? DUH!

    Job is important! Don’t over do it!

    Love seeing you again! Keep it up! You make me smile!! (((HUGS)))

    • I feel so much better, it’s taken just over a year to get back on my feet, so I’ve got to be careful – one dose of flu or another major stress and I could be back on the sofa again! Nooooooooo!
      Lol, I was trying out loads of fake-sexy poses that didn’t show my face, but none of them worked until I remembered your words! 🙂
      I don’t understand JS either, you know. He should be here, banging on my door by now! Men, honestly. *rolls eyes*
      Thanks for keeping me sane on FB and Twitter – hugs right back atcha! 🙂

  4. OMG I loved this post!!
    Now I am secretly hoping you get arrested!!
    I am in love with Jason Statham as you are.
    Never saw a hotter specimen!!

    I love pj’s …. but would you believe I hardly have none.
    For Christmas one year I got Victoria Secret pj’s and they were awesome. But I wore them out creating a hole in the ass area.
    It was truly a sad when the hole got to big and they were no longer pj pants…

    Love ya!!!

    • Lol! prison would be great – no work, ready-made meals and time to indulge in fantasy 🙂 JS is just such a walking sex-machine. Watched another of his films the other night – Revolver – was a bit weird, but he starts by narrating, and his voice was just orgasmic. Sigh.

      I love jammies – as soon as I know I’m in for the day, I put ’em on and relax. Bliss! I’m not gonna ask what you were doing in yours to wear a hole in the ass!

      Love ya, too! 🙂

  5. Glad you’re feeling better and back!

  6. Yay, yay, YAY!!! I nearly spilled my coffee when I saw you posted something! I’ve felt so deprived (no, not “Depraved”!)

    1) Your middle-age dog act like a puppy because, like all males, when he hit that mid-life crisis, that’s what they do. Act like teenagers again.

    2) Love the nipple-warmers on your furry hat. I need to get me one of those! LOL

    3) The jammies look wonderful. Little Guy got a couple sets of fuzzy jammies that feel so nice. I tried seeing if they’d fit me since he doesn’t like PJ’s (they mean bed time, you know.) Nope – can’t fit into those 4T sizes anymore.

    4) I hate to do this to you, but I must share an observation with you. That last pic of your burnin’ hunk of love looks like Bruce Willis to me.

    I love ya and hope that you can post more often. I miss having coffee with you every morning. I have been inviting Bernie’s wonderful observations into my living room for coffee every morning, so I’m not lonely or anything. But it would be great to have you over again, too. (Do you drink coffee or scalding tea with milk?)

    • Aww, bless you!I’m gonna try posting once a week. That way I’ve something to aim for, and should get back in the habit. I need to start reading all your blogs as well. So out of touch, but you get out of the habit :-/

      Aren’t kids funny? Little Guy desperate to avoid his jammies and me desperate to get into mine! 🙂 Youth is wasted on the young! I want some of those Onesies – you must have seen ’em – like adult-sized babygros. I’d never bother getting dressed…

      JS does look a bit like Bruce Willis in that last photo. Mind you, I quite liked him in his younger days. Burnin’ hunk – love it! 🙂

      I like my tea like I like my men – hot, dark and strong! That’s so naff, but I keep saying it 🙂

      Love ya, too! *Hugs*

  7. LOVE it. And yes, ma’am, those are some seriously sexy pj’s right there!

    • Why, thank-you, purrrrrrr!

      I can’t understand why I’m still single, you know, Lisa. You’d think those guys would be lined up at the door with me being such a sexy lady! 😀
      How you doing? I need to catch up!


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